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Radiation Pack

$ 79.00

This pack is formulated to assist in the detoxification and protection of all radiation including cell phones and towers, EMF, EMRs, X-Rays, and nuclear radiation. Even though the product has directions on the label please follow these guidelines as a broad spectrum solution for radiation exposure.

Our biologically active iodine will assist in balancing thyroid issues since iodine deficiency may contribute to enlargement of the thyroid glands knows a goiter. Iodine also protects the thyroid from radiation poisoning and it is a necessary protective nutrient for the human body especially in women to detox the breast and ovaries.

Radiation toxicity and symptoms, headache from cellphone usage, dental or other x-rays and exposure to nuclear radiation in water, food, or air.

Radiation formula protects and detoxifys the cells
Lymph Detox Plus is a drainage formula to move the lympathics and the toxins that are carried via the lymph system.
BioIodine a biologically available form of iodine

Radiation X: 5 drops twice daily, AM and PM. 4 days per week on empty stomach.
Lymph Detox Plus: 5 drops twice daily, AM and PM. 4 days per week on empty stomach.
BioIodine: 1 to 3 capsules 3 times daily with meals.

Please avoid caffeine while on this protocol, homeopathic medicine is non-toxic and should always be taken on empty stomach via administration under the tongue. Hold in the mouth for 15 seconds before swallowing or applying another remedy. Homeopathy is referred to as energy medicine because it contains the memory and blueprint of the original substance used. After administrator it creates an electromagnetic signal which travels along acupuncture meridian pathways to the energy pattern that is causing the health issue. It then neutralizes it, balancing resisted emotions and physical health issues.

According to homeopathic principles homeopathy has been researched to detoxify Nuclear, EMF, EMR etc. You Receive Homeopathic Lymph Plus Detox and Our special Biologically Available Iodine (nutritional Iodine formula) and Homeopathic Radiation Formula.

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