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BioTox Gut

$ 43.00

BioTox Gut is a specialized homeopathic formulation designed specifically for addressing gut health issues, employing the principles of BioResonance Healing. It aims to tackle the underlying disharmonic frequencies, bacteria, and parasites that can negatively impact health. Crafted with homeopathic nosodes, sarcodes, and other well-established remedies, BioTox Gut is intended for both children and adults, offering a safe and effective approach for both chronic and acute gastrointestinal conditions.

The formula contains Helicobacter Pylori 15X, 30X, 30C, 60C; Salmonella Paratyphi Type A 15C, 30C, 60C; Salmonella 12X, 15X, 30X, 30C, 60C; Botulinum 30C; Nux Vomica 3C; Cheladonium 3X, 6X, 8X; Thymus 8X, 1LM; Intestinal mucosa 3X; Liver 8X, 30C; Spleen 8X; Phytolacca 3X, 6X; and Cochleria Armoracia 3X.

Recommended usage is 5 drops, taken two or three times a day on an empty stomach, for five days a week or until there is an improvement in symptoms. This regimen is designed to support the gut's natural healing processes and improve overall digestive health.

Consultation with a healthcare provider is highly recommended before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially for individuals who are pregnant, nursing, have existing health conditions, or are on other medications. We encourage those interested to learn more about these remedies to participate in our teleseminars for comprehensive understanding and guidance. Always adhere to the suggested dosage, and consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms continue. Note that this product is not intended to replace professional medical consultations and is not formulated to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
biotox gut -great product.

Helped me and my daughter. your body feels so light and face clear off from acne. i hope it is safe to use it for extended period of time. this is great product for your gut. so far we love it.

Carmen Jaime
BioTox Gut works!

Within two days of taking BioTox Gut I noticed a difference. My stomach is not as bloated and digestion has improved.

Peter Gillard
Helped my leaky gut

Helped my leaky gut

Jess Kramer
H.Pylori / Rosacea

I was seeing a dermatologist for years about my rosacea (bright red complexion on the face). I was on a low dose antibiotic and some topicals - it helped but never fully cleared plus I didn't exactly love what I knew an antibiotic was doing to my gut. After working with a functional MD we discovered I had h.pylori bacterial infection. Now unfortunately you cannot just take an antibiotic and be done with it - otherwise I would have been cleared of it long ago with my long term antibiotic. Working with my practitioner we were able to get my stomach acid levels up and clear the h.pylori using this homeopathic. Part of the process included NO coffee - as it's acidic nature strips stomach acid and homeopathy also fails to work with caffeine in the body. It was worth it. I am clear and have much better digestion after some heavy microbiome repopulating and repair due to the long term antibiotic damage. I encourage everyone to seek natural help if you can.

Y. Fuentes
For total gut rejuvenation

Absolutory wonderful for healing the gut and digestive issues! Took it with Digest Pro and dietary plan from my nutritionist.