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Sleep Pack

$ 59.27

There are many root causes of sleep disturbances including stress, melatonin production, caffeine use, EMF exposure and neurotransmitter production in the gut. This is a BASIC pack that may help, however a more customized option may be required if this does not work for you, especially if your gut needs healing. This pack of 2 homeopathic remedies is designed to relax the nervous system in the evening as well as encourage neurotransmitter production natively, including melatonin. You will need to wean off of caffeine while getting on this protocol since homeopathic medicine does not work with caffeine in the body.

Kit Includes

Serene Sleep & NeuroBalance Pro (homeopathic remedies)

Before bed, please spray 3 of each formula into your mouth, over the tongue. Allow about one minute rest between the formulas and take nothing in the mouth for 15 minutes after that dose (water, brushing teeth etc.) Take M-F only, weekends off. No caffeine can be consumed while on this protocol, even on the days off. Please gently wean off caffeine over a 1-2 week period.

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