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BioTox BAC 1

$ 43.00

BioTox BAC 1 is a sophisticated product from the realm of BioResonance Healing, formulated to encapsulate the energetic imprint of an extensive array of detrimental substances including pathogens, toxins, chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, GMO’s, ova, parasites, allergens, medications, radiation of any type, and vaccines. It is specifically targeted at individuals suffering from symptoms like chronic fatigue, rash, flu-like symptoms, swelling and joint pain resembling arthritis, tingling and numbness in extremities, poor memory, and weakness or paralysis in facial muscles, aiming to improve their overall health and wellbeing.

The product consists of Anthracinum 30C, 60X, 200X, 400X; Arsenicum album 8X, 15X, 30X, 60X; Coxiella Burneti 30C, 60X, 200X; Francisella Tularensis 30C, 60X; Escherichia Coli 6X, 15X, 18X 30X; Mycoplasma Hominis 6X, 8X, 15X, 30X; Proteus Mirabillis 30C, 100C, 200C; Pseudomonas 30C, 60C; Pestinum 30C, 60X, 200X; Pyrogenium 30C, 60X, 200X, 400X; Typhoid 30C, 60X, 200X, 400X, 3LM; Tabebuia Impetiginosa 3X, 6X, 15X; Coxiella Burnett 30C, 60X, 200X; Bacillus Tetani 30C, 60X, 200X, 400X, 3LM; Yersinia enterocolitica 30C, 60X; Taraxacum Officinale 3X; and Cochleria 3X.

BioTox BAC 1 should be taken at 5 drops, two or three times per day, on an empty stomach, for five days per week or until symptoms subside. The formulation is crafted to act as a potent agent for BioResonance Healing, particularly suitable for individuals experiencing a range of disruptive symptoms.

This homeopathic product employs BioResonance Healing principles, utilizing energetic imprints from various adverse substances like pathogens, toxins, chemicals, and more, to align with the body's natural energy fields and aid in recovery. As with all supplements, adhere to the prescribed dosage and consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms persist. This product is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, but rather to provide a complementary approach to health and wellness.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Carmen Jaime
BioTox BAC1

Excellent product.

Sharon Levine
Seems to work

I've been taking this for a long while..spaced out from the other drops I take from you every morning..it keeps things moving, which I need with my hypothyroid condition..