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OralTide Pro Concentrated Mouthwash

$ 39.00

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OraltidePro™ is a mouthwash concentrate containing AGDP® (Anti-Gingival Degenerate Peptide) and DRP® (Dental Remineralization Peptide-Amorphus Calcium Phosphate).

Store bought mouthwash often just kill bacteria rather than creating balance or having any restorative functions. Our peptides are produced by microorganism fermentation and purification, and contain no animal productsPotential Benefits of using a peptide based mouthwash may include:

  • Restoring gum tissue / good for receding gum lines
  • Supports the healing of mouth & tongue
  • Balance and prevent oral infections (such as gingivitis)
  • Re-mineralize Enamel
  • Balance bacteria growth and etching
  • May regenerate damaged enamel

Mix 20 drops of oral peptide with 10ml of water (1/3 oz) and swish for 10-15 minutes per day.

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